The Gentleman and Taking Responsibility

I was recently at a local highschool helping out with a Youth program that I’ve been apart of for a while and I encountered a rather strange set of information. One of the janitors, the one who I see the most working there, informed me during the course of our pleasantries that  a student there […]

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The Gentleman and Communication #1

In life we must communicate with others. While this may sound easy, in reality it is much harder. Whether it is a language barrier, a pride barrier, or a distance barrier, communication has its hindrances. Despite this we must continue to try and communicate with others because through communication we can resolve problems, find out […]

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The Gentleman and Programing

There is an important difference between education and programming. One is beneficial and the other is not. When the two sides encounter each other problems ensue, mostly from the opinion that each is correct. First let us look at education. When I use this term I usually mean self-education or those things learned from research […]

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The Gentleman and The Facade

Facade is taken from a French word indicating the frontage of a building and has come to be used as a term indicating something that presents a false idea or view of whomever has put up said frontage. Facades on houses or buildings can be quite nice and can make people feel better about living […]

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The Gentleman and Masculinity

There seems to be an attack on masculinity. I know, I know. I’ve seen some of the studies that show that the ideal student exhibits female characteristics: quiet, unobtrusive, being capable of sitting still for long periods of time. This simply is not male behavior, at least in children. now these traits can be developed […]

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