Meetings, With A Bit of Mafioso Flair

Meetings, they can be awkward, good, nerve racking. Other times they can be useful or even damaging. Meetings can happen at work or in your private life. They can be a simple one-on-one conversation, a group up of many individuals, or a conference between multiple groups. Meetings can be unbelievably helpful, they can create a […]

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Effort Management

This Management Monday we’re going to look at what we expend daily: Effort. Effort a fancy word for the amount of work and energy you put into something. It can be anything whether making something new, repairing something old, or doing something. A lot of people absolutely hate wasting effort and one of the main […]

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Coins and People.

I’m an admittedly odd individual so it should surprise no one that I collect coins in my own idiosyncratic way. Money has been around since society needed a way buy things with a mutually agreed upon exchangeable item instead of a random, and possibly not desired, trade of product/service for a product/service. So money has […]

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Cool Factor Vs Experience

One of the things I love dealing with these days is knives, of course I’ve always have but most of my day job hasn’t allowed for me to spend as much time as I’d like. But the world of knives is a great analogy to the world at large and even individuals in general. There’s […]

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Archetype Discussion: Bards

It’s been a while since I had to bring out an archetype discussion but today is a decent time to continue. Today we’re going to be talking about one of the most versatile characters in Dungeons & Dragons: Bards. Bards are extremely valuable to the party in D&D, both in combat and out. They are […]

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Leadership Interaction

It’s been a while since I’ve dealt with concepts of leadership here, but I think a refresher is due. Whether you’re a freelancer working on your own, leading a freelancer group, work for someone else, and/or a leader in whatever job you do  you are going to have to deal with leadership. You’ll either have […]

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Managing Content Burn Out

Today’s Management Monday we’re going to be talking about content burn out, what it is how to avoid it and what can be done about it as a content creator as well as a content viewer. Like most things that have been doing well online, I’ve found out about this great online show about Dungeons […]

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