Mindset and Skills: Too Dangerous to Live

Kind of a grim title if you think about it, but it suits today’s subject which is going back to a serious topic about our skills and mindsets for working in the modern world. The world is still a dangerous place and those who are skilled and dangerous themselves tend to survive longer than those […]

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The Smallest of Worlds

It can be a really small world. So much so that it’s easy to realize that everything is inter-connected. So today we’re going to be talking about networking and how communities are much smaller than they appear. This blog post is inspired by two different occurrences that are both connected to Dungeons & Dragons. Now […]

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Managing the Urge

Today we’re going to be talking about the urge. This is not the urge to go out and explore or find new things or even try new things. Not the urge for a significant change in your normal. What we are talking about is the urge for a part of your normal that has been […]

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The Cost of Exclusion

The push recently has been the idea of absolute inclusion. As a business plan and a plan for having a good life, this is an extremely bad decision. To do a job or produce a product well you need to know who you are selling it to. This requires that you exclude individuals who do […]

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Locally Source Resources.

While this would normally be a Management Monday topic, I’ve been away for a bit and I wanted to talk about developing a support infrastructure. Individuals, families, businesses, and freelancers all need infrastructures of some form. They need resources to be able to do their jobs and survive in their environments. There are a number […]

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The Monster You Need.

Monsters. What are they? Where are they? People who have never looked into them call people monsters without even knowing what identifies them as monsters. But there’s a dichotomy of monsters and we’ll be looking at the differences between the monsters and understanding how they work. Monsters are generally powerful. They have a combination of […]

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