Information Mismanagement: I Have All the Horses.

A lot of the time we think about managing our resources in the light of physical objects or tools. Most of these are consumable and can pose a significant problem if the run out. However we need to remember another resource that is both consumable and long lasting. This resource is information or data depending on how you look at it.

Today’s example comes from one of my favorite movies, The Mummy. If you haven’t, I recommend doing so just for the entertainment value. The particular part we’re going to be looking at actually is very early on in the movie, but gives us an example of mismanagement of information and resources.

To set the seen, an American former French Foreign Legionnaire by the name of Rick O’Connel is assisting a sibling duo to find an ancient Egyptian city that he had previously been to. They are on a river boat going to where they will need to disembark to begin their journey across the desert. On this boat, another group is also looking for this city and they too have a guide to get there, an individual by the name of Benny.

Now Benny and O’Connel are best described as “Frenemies”. They had served together but their relationship was damaged by Benny’s self serving and self-preserving nature.

Now some early excitement happens soon after the two groups agree to see who can make it to the ancient city first. The boat catches fire and people have to evacuate into the river and onto the shores.

O’Connel and his group are on one side and Benny and his group are on the other. Now this is the part that my brother and I have quoted for years and what we’re going to be dealing with today. You see all these people on Benny’s and just a few of the side with O’Connel. Benny shouts across to O’Connel, “Hey, O’Connel, it seems to me that I have all the horses!” To which O’Connel responds, “Hey, Benny, it seems to me that you’re onthe wrong side of the river!”

At this point Benny realizes that he is actually on the side of the river farthest from the path to the ancient city.

Sometimes we’re like Benny. We’re so focused on getting all the physical resources we need that we gather them in the place where they are least effective. We put our effort into the wrong focus and forget about the secondary aspect of the location or other important data that we need to achieve out goal.

It’s generally better to have a baseline amount of equipment and resources in the advantages position or in the place where you need to be than to have boundless amounts of resources and tool and be no where near where you actually need to be.

This eats up time. Even worse it takes away from the time that your information/data/intelligence is fresh and accurate. Being the the right place with the minimum equipment means you can take advantage of fresh leads and time restrictive circumstances.

When you have to act, you should be quick, efficient, and determined to succeed. That can’t happen as well if you are in the wrong area. Now you can recover from set backs like this but you need to keep on top of your information in order to be able to know that you need to change your strategy.

Information is one of the most expensive and useful items for you to obtain. It is the basis of all business and part of our every day exchange with each other. Huge industries all rely on specific types of information and data. Focusing only on the physical tools settings you much farther behind the curve of success and capability.

Think about it.



The Irreverent Gentleman

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