Those in the Zone of Danger

One of the major problems of today is that people are not taught to recognize or think about what to do if they are in a dangerous situation. There’s a few things to realize when you’re in the danger zone. One is that you will have conflict. Another is that your health and success can […]

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Objectives in the Dark.

Light. It’s the necessary thing that our eyes need to see. And in the dark, areas of light become areas of sanctuary from whatever might be looking for us. Some harness light and use it effectively to identify potential threats and dissuade their suspicions of dark corners. But a good portion of the world is […]

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Managing Normalcy and Planning

Whenever there is a significant break from the normal routine and people are put outside of the context the usually find themselves they are put under a lot of stress. So one of the things that people do after a natural disaster or something similar is try to regain a sense of normalcy or repair […]

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The Cost of No Equipment

I once again find myself in a hotel while something at my home gets fixed. This time a septic clog. So today we’re going to be talking about what the cost is, both mentally and physically, of not having some or any of your normal equipment with you. The last few weeks have been bitterly […]

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