Let’s Talk About the Weather: Managing Trust

Trust is one of the building blocks of a successful business. Breaking someone’s trust is one of the hardest things to come back from. Today we’re going to talk about dealing with trust within a group and outside it. Now there are a lot of times where you can’t choose who you associate with, but […]

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Tools Without Skills

I was talking to a friend of mine last night and she expressed that the current generation doesn’t know how to deal with the looming problems that they face. And that for the most part they feel overwhelmed at the size of the task. This can be easily explained. Many people have the tools they […]

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Words: The Tools of Power

There are many branches of magic both in the real world and in fiction but one thing they all have in common is the concept that words contain power. This idea is shared through many different ideologies ranging from Christianity to agnostic mind over matter systems. No matter how you look at it, words have […]

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Spellslingers in the Age of Guns

A lot of different things went into the concept behind today’s post, but it mostly involves my loves of music, RPGs, weapons, and obscure methodology. Spell casters. There are number of them in D&D, but today we’re going to be focusing on the classic Wizard, the spell caster who spent years and years studying the […]

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It’s Not for Everyone.

There are somethings where certain people are perfectly matched for the way of life they’re in. Some are more universal, others take a special personality. But not every job or environment is for everyone and the best examples of this are things like video games and D&D. We’ll start of with D&D. As the longest […]

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Apocalypse Tourist Trap.

There’s something alluring about abandoned and run down places. Urban exploring, post apocalyptic games, and archaeology all have this strange “cool factor” to them. People love seeing what came before them if they’re curious. While some may not care what happened before, others thrive on it. They learn about things that have been lost to […]

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