Terrifying Goodness: Archetype Discussion

It’s been a while since w had an Archetype discussion and I believe it’s important to take a break from serious modern topics and talk about the ideals that we can use to grow ourselves and our understanding of the world. There has always been the concept that Good and Evil have been in conflict […]

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Skill and Unnatural Barriers

Everyone has skills. Whether they are naturally occurring or developed over time, there is not one single individual who does not have a skill. There are some limiting factors for skills. Body type, training, literal physical inability, and other factors will limit your skills. what do I mean by that? I mean some people cannot […]

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Society Management and Free Speech

Today we’re going to be talking about managing groups, specifically society, and how that relates to Free Speech. Every group has what it considers to be okay. Sometimes these preferences  are universally held. Other times those things that are not okay are universally held, such as crimes against children. Sometimes things that are morally okay […]

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