The Anatomy of a Problem

We all experience problems, and understanding what makes problems “tic” can help us resolve them. No problem is 100% exactly like another one, but they do share the same basic components.

Every problem has a source, it even may have multiple sources. But it will have a core set of things that cause it to function. Connected to this core is a series of infrastructure or substructures that expand the abilities of that core. These substructures are sometimes necessary for the problem to continue to function.

So today we’re going to be looking at an analogy for this and the prioritization we need to take in resolving problems. The example we’re using today is from the game War Thunder. This is because it has multiple different types of vehicles that produce different types of problems and have different resolutions.

There are three levels of problems in War Thunder: the overall environment, the vehicles, and the vehicle internals. These might seem strange as levels but they each emphasize a different aspect of problem resolution.

We’ll start with the overall environment. This matters the most in tank battles but equally applies in naval and aviation scenarios to an extent. There are locations in tank maps that give control of the battlefield to a handful of individuals. To resolve these, the positions have to be nullified in some way. This can be through avoiding those areas controlled by the positions, taking the positions, or eliminating the tank from your own position.

This last way is basically counter-sniping and is the pitting of positions against one another. The other two merely sacrifice tanks or time to resolve control of the position. This can be through flanking or just ignoring those positions to get to the objective.

Flanking works in all game modes as it takes into consideration one’s location to the enemy. You can be higher than them (aviation) or behind/beside them (all battle modes). This brings us to the vehicle problem.

Each vehicle is rather unique in War Thunder. They are based off of real life examples and try to mimic their performance to a degree. And as there are different types of vehicles in play each require different solutions.

Aircraft can take a lot of damage, however they aren’t heavily armored. So machine guns and aircraft cannon are sufficient in eliminating them. In dogfights, it comes down to who can time their bursts of fire better and how accurate those bursts are. Fighting other vehicles with planes require timing of bombs and torpedoes while avoiding ground fire.

For tanks and boats the requirements are different. They require a little more direct challenges to their survival. Because they don’t have to worry about the ground as much, they have to be eliminated with heavier guns that machine guns most of the time. A machine gun can really annoy or destroy a ground vehicle depending on the direction it comes from. Most tanks, anti-tank vehicles, and anti-air vehicles have armor in their front are and/or their sides. This leave the top and back of the vehicle less armored.

Now ever vehicles is not impenetrable from the front. It requires very powerful rounds to go through the front of a tank or very accurate shots to hit the weaker parts of the armoring. This includes view ports, machine-gun ports and others.

This really brings us to the last level of problems. The substructures of vehicles are numerous and can lead to their failure. Now the easiest way to eliminate a vehicle in War Thunder is to take out its crew. The crew are the very core of the vehicle and once they are all killed the vehicle is dead. This is true for all vehicles in War Thunder.

Sometimes part of the crew is eliminated, which allows the vehicle to still function, and other times they are wiped out in one go. This generally when an explosive shell defeats the armor of the vehicle and explodes. However not every vehicle has explosive shells, or explosive shells large enough to destroy everything.

However sometimes the shells will distract the crew in a number of ways. Certain rounds and shells are incendiary in nature. They will light internals on fire and that fire can spread. If the vehicle doesn’t have fire extinguishers or counter fire equipment it can be burned out or have its munitions explode. This takes longer than a well placed shot but it is effective. There are a few times where you can light the vehicle on fire multiple times depleting the limited number of anti-fire tools they have at their disposal. This method is great for vehicles that do not have extremely powerful guns but have found a weakness in the opponents armor.

Next we have the transmissions, engines, and other joints of the vehicle. Sometimes we can’t get the prefect shot. But we can make the next shot effective while preserving our own integrity. Eliminating the gun barrel or chamber, the turret power, or the engine can temporarily cripple a vehicle long enough to get a second shot off.

This applies mostly to tanks but it is effect in other battles. Planes can’t fly for long without engines and boats can’t really go anywhere without engines as well. Striking at this power source means that the problem can’t spread.

These apply to our real lives by illustrating out need to understand a problem. What’s important to it? How does it function? What is necessary for it to function? This gives us a list of things we need to deprive from the problem. This is summarized in the old phrase “Strike at the root/heart of the problem.”

We need to know which substructures a problem has in order to target them effectively. This can be in real physical problems or situations where it’s more social or mental problems.

Find the source of the problem and eliminate it because a crippled problem will heal and either get stronger or just continue more slowly.

Think about it.



The Irreverent Gentleman

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