New Things, Old Things, and Change

It feels like it has always been forever and a day ago when I last picked up blogging. However that is going to change.

I originally made this blog for two reasons: sharing helpful tips and tricks and monetization. Well, back when I first made this little venture monetization options were few and far between. I mostly worked on this blog when there was little to no work happening, and as financial pressure mounted I decided to focus on writing that earned me money.

Now… well now I have steady clients and a crossroads ahead of me. To help motivate me to share the adventure and new things with you all, I’ve decided to finally monetize this blog. Before any one says anything, let me explain.

I want this information out there. Lessons I’ve learned or picked up from others can be used to save people time and heartache trying to figure it out themselves. So I’m not going to be putting a pay wall up for my content.

But I still need to fulfill the dream of monetizing this place. So everyone so often you might get a product review with an affiliate link. You get a discount for the product/service and I get a kick back. Or, more than likely, you’ll see a link to “Buy Me a Coffee.” That way you can toss me a dollar whenever you feel like it.

Do you have to? No. Do you want to? I’ll leave that up to you.

It’s actually kind of funny, the major reason I’m getting back into blogging for myself was some pressure by a coach or consultant I hired to get me farther in life than I already have. Sometimes it’s the little things that get you moving more than anything.

Revisiting old concepts (like my blog being monetized) and trying new things (therapy, coaching, whatever you want to call it) go hand in hand. I can’t tell you how many times I forgot something that I wanted to do, only to be reminded to do it years down the road.

But either way, expect to see me more often than once a year.

Until then, what have you forgotten to do?

Think about it.


The Irreverent Gentleman

Buy me a coffee link:

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