The Cost of Help: Division of Labor

So today we’re going to be talking about an important aspect of running a business of any size. That aspect is the division of labor. We’re going to be using an unnamed associate of mine as an example to illustrate a few points. Every business is about making money while providing a good or service […]

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Motivation: A Rabbit To Chase

Today we’re going to be talking about something that affects storytelling, business, and our personal lives. That topic is motivation, and we will be looking at one of my regular Dungeons & Dragons games to illustrate the importance of motivation. I’ve been running a campaign for some of my friends for over a year now. […]

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The Cost of An Option.

I live in a world filled with tools. Some old, some new. Some are mental tools and others are physical tools. Either way there are millions and millions of options in the world for us to sort through in order to determine our toolsets. But sometimes we have nothing but options, with a wide variety […]

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